Baltimore, MD pictures taken September 2002.

a little tired.jpg (58168 bytes)
Peter sleeping.


domino factory.jpg (32514 bytes)
The Domino sugar factory.


dragon boat.jpg (63415 bytes)
Dragon boat races. To find out more about dragon boats       click here .
Boat fire.jpg (77595 bytes)
This boat exploded at the gas dock we heard it was because he/she didn't ventilate the bilge.
not happy.jpg (39116 bytes)
Peter wasn't happy.
hospital ship.jpg (48498 bytes)
A hospital ship
big boat.jpg (67504 bytes)
A schooner that does tours of Baltimore Harbor.
peter.jpg (35910 bytes)
Peter doing school work.
bargde.jpg (44227 bytes)
A huge cargo ship

tankers.jpg (39818 bytes) A tanker.

fort.jpg (36392 bytes) Fort McKinley.  Francis Scott Key wrote the star spangled banner while watching this fort  being shelled. aqua.jpg (49981 bytes)
The National Aquarium at Baltimore.

barn.jpg (72864 bytes)
An aquarium at a book store. 

a friend.jpg (48562 bytes)
A friend visits, Capt Mike Braun from DHL you might also recognize him from his roll in the film US Marshals
Lighthouse.jpg (68893 bytes)
7ft. Knoll  lighthouse

big boat.jpg (46673 bytes)
A big yacht