Radar In Paradise

During the fitting out process I became acquainted with a guy named Nelson at Raymarine. As it turns out Nelson and I worked at the same place for a while but did not know each other.  Anyway after a lightning strike my radar was well technically speaking "messed up."  After going back and forth I ended up replacing it at Nelsons urging.  He helped to get me a good deal and all was well.  While in the Bahamas our auto pilot stopped working.  I couldn't get anywhere with tech support other than "box it up, send it in."   Nelson helped me get to a person who could trouble shoot it with me.  Eventually it came down to "box it up, send it in."  But at least I was convinced!  I also have to thank LT in the autopilot shop for all of his help!


Anyway somewhere in there I gave Nelson the web address and he checked it out.  He was chagrined to find no pictures of his beloved RADAR set.  So we decided to take it on a little trip to Atlantis.


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RADAR kicking back in Nassau

Friends of RADAR

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The "Head" himself

It was so busy that I had to slip the staff $20 to get the RADAR a seat!

RADAR loved the shark tank

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Couldn't get enough of the sharks RADAR, what a ham!
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RADAR loved this slide! On top of the world! RADAR has a real weakness for the slots, here undercover security is escorting him out.  Notice the cover....